Have you ever experienced a conflict, a problem, for which you thought taking legal action would be too long or too costly ? Have you considered going to mediation ? Although often little known, this alternative method of conflict resolution has been very popular on the other side of the Atlantic for several decades, where more than 90% of cases are settled out of court. In France, a law has recently promoted it, obliging all persons with a dispute of less than €5,000 to first attempt mediation before taking legal action, in particular to relieve the courts.
It is following this opportunity that a French startup, justice.cool, decided to offer its services in this field. Their story is here related in an article in Les Echos. Much cheaper than a court case (only one mediator paid instead of one lawyer per party) and shorter (usually around a month), it is also much simpler, since it consists in finding a solution "around the table" with the opposing party and the mediator to accompany the discussions.
Mediation is also a long-standing dream of our Founder. A strong proponent of conciliation rather than conflict, he has always wanted to offer this kind of service. Perhaps we'll see it soon on Legal Finder...
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