"A few days after our launch in July 2019, someone asked me how many lawyers we had listed on our website. I answered: about ten. Then this person told me that it would be good to reach 30 lawyers, that it was a good first step. I agreed with this idea without really knowing when we would get there," explained our Founder, Matthieu Sarrazin.
It's a done deal today: Legal Finder has just welcomed its 30th registered lawyer. If in absolute terms, the figure remains relatively modest, it is nevertheless quite significant of our development. 30 is in fact more than 1% of the lawyers practising in Luxembourg. When we know that after several years, the best French LegalTechs reach just 5% of the total number of lawyers in France, 1% of the lawyers practicing in Luxembourg after 8 months is a promising success for Legal Finder.
"This is a figure that could of course be put into perspective, because registration and referencing on our website are free. But our competitors also offer non-paying formulas which do not meet the same success, far from it. If we add to that the fact that we don't have a campaign to canvass lawyers at the moment and that most of the new subscribers come by word of mouth, we are proud that our formula is suitable", Matthieu Sarrazin added. It is true that with an average of 700 visitors per month on the website, and 250 searches carried out, Legal Finder offers a great showcase for lawyers. This is the clearly stated objective of our LegalTech: "We want to support lawyers in their digitalization, not impose them to pay to access it. That's why we wanted them to pay only when they accept a request for an appointment. Their success is our success." continued the founder of Legal Finder.
So this approach seems to be paying off. We hope that other lawyers will soon be interested in joining us as well. We are constantly developing our service and additional products for lawyers. The more professionals we have registered, the more feedback we get from them, which allows us to improve and expand our offer, in order to provide them with more solutions to support their activities at the digital level." concluded Matthieu Sarrazin. LegalTech is therefore resolutely pursuing its work hand in hand with the lawyers, in order to always serve them better.
Legal Finder, private limited liability company under Luxembourg law
RCS B234553
2025 All rights reserved.