It's in times of difficulty that opportunities are created. One could summarize this way Maddyness's article which sees the COVID-19 crisis as an accelerator for innovation in the legal world.
It is true that by having to stop physical contact and by favouring remote working, law firms have needed new tools. This opens up real opportunities for LegalTechs to respond to this new reality. But apart from the immediate aspect, the health situation we are going through is also a great opportunity for lawyers and LegalTechs to work hand in hand to build a new way of working for the legal field.
In the same way, Legal Finder has decided to accelerate the development of its new products, to quickly offer even more digital means and thus enable lawyers to work more easily at a distance. However, we also invite any legal professional who would like to have tailor-made digital solutions for his or her activities to contact us in order to think together about a possible collaboration.
Legal Finder, private limited liability company under Luxembourg law
RCS B234553
2025 All rights reserved.