We told you about it a few days ago, we have a lot of news to present you for this year. On the occasion of the launch of the first ones today, we are proud to present them to you in more detail.
A map to locate the lawyers
New for the search aspect, a map now allows you to locate law firms. This tool allows you to visualize more quickly where your lawyers are located in order to simplify your choice.
A description of the lawyer
Until now, there has been a lot of information available about lawyers. You now have the opportunity to obtain more information by clicking on the name of the lawyer you are interested in. If the latter has completed them, you will see a "Biography" field which gives you information about the lawyer's background and specialisations, and you will see an "Articles" field where you can see the publications made by the professional. Here again, these fields allow you to appreciate the skills of your lawyer to support your choice.
Extension of the lawyer's space.
Similarly, the lawyer now has the possibility to add new information to his or her profile.
A profile picture. Profiles with a picture are generally more attractive to clients.
A biography. This allows you to explain your background and skills in more detail. It is also an excellent showcase to use your personal page as a website (see next point).
Articles. You have the possibility to publish articles directly on our website. These articles will appear on your personal page.
A lawyer's personal page
Each lawyer now has a personal page (https://legalfinder.lu/en/lawyers/firstname-lastname) which he/she can use as a website for his/her clients.
The page does not yet display all the elements but it will very soon show the following:
the basic information of the lawyer (which appears during client searches)
the appointment button
the location map of the lawyer's office
the biography if the lawyer provides it
any articles that may have been published on our website by the lawyer
We hope that you will like these new features and that they will allow an ever more intuitive and efficient search for our clients, and increased visibility for lawyers.
Legal Finder, private limited liability company under Luxembourg law
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