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Tabery & Wauthier
Oath taking date: 14/07/2011
10 rue Pierre d'Aspelt
L-2016 Luxembourg
Spoken languages
French English German Italish
Preferential areas
Litigation, mediation, arbitration Commercial, business and competition Law Employment Law Tax and customs Law Company and corporate Law
250 € - 250 €
Indicative hourly rates
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Oath taking date: 21/09/2017
10 rue du Bois
L8121 Bridel
Spoken languages
English French
Preferential areas
Tax and customs Law
200 € - 300 €
Indicative hourly rates
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Etude Arvine Zamani
Oath taking date: 26/09/2019
68 rue de Strasbourg
2560 Luxembourg
Spoken languages
French English Dutch German
Preferential areas
Inheritance Law Property and real estate Law Contract Law Tax and customs Law Company and corporate Law
150 € - 300 €
Indicative hourly rates
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